Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (2010)

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Revision as of 20:30, 27 September 2010 by Matthew lyne (Talk | contribs)

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by Tennessee Williams

Directed by Karina Lickorish Quinn
Assistant Directed by Matthew Slight & Tom Quinn

Performances: Tue 21st – Sat 25th September 2010, Prompt Corner


The dysfunctional Pollitt family is gathered in Big Daddy’s house for his 65th birthday: Maggie the Cat and Brick the apathetic alcoholic, struggling in the remains of a dying marriage; Mae and Gooper with their monstrous children and avaricious plans; Big Mama, floundering and craving affection; and Big Daddy, sickened with the world and with mendacity.

This is going to be a vibrant, steamy, high-fashion production, bringing the story into the modern day. Despite the attractive front, this family are dealing with the very real and tragic issues of alcoholism, marital breakdown, and cancer.

In the insufferable summer heat the family is confronted with difficult questions. What is wrong with Big Daddy? Why does Brick drink? What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof?




Some review quotes go here


Reminiscences and Anecdotes

Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.

See Also



External Links