An Experiment with an Air Pump (2011)

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Revision as of 20:04, 18 May 2011 by Matthew lyne (Talk | contribs)

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Poster by Poster Designer

by Shelagh Stephenson

Directed by Catherine Ellis

Performances: Tue 17th – Sat 21st May 2011, Prompt Corner


At times both comedic and poignantly tragic, An Experiment with an Air Pump concerns a mystery unravelled when characters in 1999 make a macabre discovery which has its origins in 1799.

Set in both eras in the same house, the play examines the ethics of science in the context of two domestic dramas. Ambition and intellectual differences drive a wedge through loving relationships across the ages, whilst posing the question: When is it right to use human life in the furtherance of scientific progress?


Creative Team

+ Programme - Helen Chadney

With thanks to:

All the cast and crew for being fantastic. The Prince Regent, The Hope and Alleyn's School for rehearsal space, the cast and crew of Whipping It Up, Alan Buckman, Jacqueline and Andy Johnson for the loan of props, all the Box Office, Front of House and Bar teams, Theatre Committee, my friends and family for still being unable to understand why I like to make my life so busy but putting up with it and supporting me anyway. Laura for being solid as a rock and as wonderful as a gemstone, and Marcus.


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Reminiscences and Anecdotes

Members are encouraged to write about their experiences of working on or seeing this production. Please leave your name. Anonymous entries may be deleted.

See Also

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Or add anything that is related within this site. The author's page for instance or other plays with a similar theme.



External Links

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An Experiement with an Air Pump (2011) Caption Competition

Photograph by Tom Hancock
Photograph by Tom Hancock
Photograph by Tom Hancock
Photograph by Tom Hancock
Photograph by Tom Hancock

All photographs are (c) 2011 Tom Hancock