Other People's Money (2001)

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Poster by Poster Designer

by Jerry Sterner

Directed by Juliet Male

Performances: Tue 6th – Sat 10th November 2001, Bell Theatre


A company is targeted by a Wall Street asset stripper intending its total destruction so he can make money. It doesn't sound like a comedy does it? But it is, and it's very funny. Andrew Jorgenson is the Chairman of a company in New England that makes wire and cable. He cannot see that, in today's world, his company's products are no longer needed. He is far more concerned about the welfare of his 1200 employees than about making profits for his stockholders. He is aided and abetted by Bea, his attractive, long-term personal assistant. She, in her early 60s, is a force to be reckoned with, who stands no nonsense from anyone. It is her daughter Kate, a sexy, New York lawyer, who is called in to defend the company from the predatory financier. William Coles is the President. He is a businessman who knows that there is no future for wire and cable but he is loyal and has worked hard for the company. Fundamentally he is a realist who recognises things have moved on.

Lawrence Garfinkle, the unscrupulous financier, is a ruthless, self-indulgent, donut- loving financial predator, with charm. He doesn't care about the companies he destroys or the employees he puts out of a job. But he does have a kind of integrity. He fights for the stockholders who deserve a return for their investment. He is also out to make money because that's what he really likes doing.

The play argues the rights and wrongs of business morality in lively clashes between the Board of Directors and Garfinkle. The wit and comedy of the play lie with the five characters and their relationship with each other. There is the outrageous cheek of Garfinkle, the gentle, old fashioned charm of Jorgenson, the feisty defiance of Bea and the slick professionalism of her very attractive daughter Kate. Coles is the down-to-earth observer, who tells the story.

At the core of the play is the relationship between Garfinkle and Kate. Garfinkle is exactly the sort of arrogant, sexist businessman that Kate loves to come up against. They are both determined to win this particular battle, no holds barred. Every time they meet the sparks fly as they manoeuvre for position, both tactically and personally. They are very funny and, after not so long, their attraction for each other is obvious.

John Hartnett plays Garfinkle, Eileen Coan is Kate, Annette Wiseman (after too long away from the stage) plays Bea, John Lyne is Jorgenson with Bernie Bulbrook understudying and Andy Catto plays Coles. Alan Buckman designed the set, Jane Codd and Pat Laban are Stage Manager and Props. Brian Fretwell and Gareth Barker are Sound and Lighting designers with Alice Mill operating lights. As PA and Prompt, Paul Fortune has been indispensable throughout. With a team like this and a play that will entertain and make you think, you are guaranteed a good night out. Come and see it.

Director's Notes <ref>Directors notes - SLT Website</ref>




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