Straight and Narrow (2007)

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Poster by Maria Bates

by Jimmy Chinn

Directed by Steve Imrie

Performances: Tue 19th – Sat 23rd June 2007, Prompt Corner


   "Mum….is there anything you want to ask me?"
   "I don’t think so… Why? Is there anything you want to tell me?"

But does Bob tell his mum that the straight and narrow is not for her precious little boy? Set "up north", this comedy tells the story of a family at war.

Led by Vera, the Swift family is in turmoil. Rob and his partner, George, are just back from holiday, where a drama has unfolded that may ruin their cosy existence, an existence that is oblivious to Vera (or is it?). Nona is heartbroken over her husband Arthur running off with the fat one from Boots and Lois; well she’s up the duff again. Vera only prays that it’s a granddaughter this time so that Lois’s husband Bill doesn’t think he can reproduce a football team.




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Reminiscences and Anecdotes

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See Also

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