BEAD and other hashtags
The background to #BEAD
During our time at Stanley Halls while the Old Fire Station was being rebuilt, the box office manager Caroline Beckett introduced online ticket sales via Ticketsource. With the ease of online booking for members of the public, audiences for SLT shows increased and in many instances sold out, particularly those in the limited space available in the Upper Hall. As a result, members who had been used to being able to walk up on the night and buy a ticket on the door missed several shows. In response, in 2017 publicity director Bryon Fear started a campaign in the SLT members Facebook group using the hashtag #BEAD devised by Tom Watts to encourage members to Book Early (to) Avoid Disappointment.
Variants and adaptations
Theatres are full of people who love wordplay, and it wasn't long before creative alternate versions appeared.
- The first, and most notorious, was Tom Watts's #ANALBEAD (Act Now And Let's Book Early, Avoid Disappointment)
After seeing Anna Rubincam's Father Of Lies, Charlotte Benstead posted:
- "I confess it's taken me all night to come up with this suitable hashtag but you Really Oughta See Anna Rubincam's Yarn - ready drum roll - #ROSARYBEAD it's so wonderfully atmospheric and beautifully played out"
During the run up to The Night Heron, in which he was appearing, Tom Watts went to town with these posts on the group:
- "ATTENTION: Night Heron opens on Tuesday next week. Please #BEAD. Please don’t #BLAST (Book Late And Stress Tom)"
- "Last chance to avoid #BLAST guys. Please #BEAST (Book Early, Avoid Stressing Tom). Better yet please #BEQUEATH (Book Early, Quit Upsetting Everyone At Theatre Headquarters)"
In response Caroline Doyle posted:
- "Or just CASTS - come and see the show"
In the lead up to her production of Lear, director Bex Law came up with the show-specific:
- '"#BEADED (Book Early Avoid Disastrous Eye Damage)"
As tickets for How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found sold rapidly, Bryon Fear told us that:
- "Best Audiences Drive Advanced Show Sales ... #BADASS"
For A Christmas Carol, Mark Ireson came up with the show-specific warning:
- #BAHHUMBUG (#BEADers Are Hearing How Undead Marley Beckons Unworldly Ghosts)
For Swive (Elizabeth), Tom Watts came back with:
- Won’t you come and be my #BESTIE? (Book Early for Swive, Tom Is Excited)
For The Elephant Man, Mark Ireson provided the variant:
- #BEAD - Book Elephants and Avoid Disappointment
In a review for the The Venetian Twins, Tom Melly in his inimitable style added:
- #AABTTIDR (acronym about buying tickets that I don't remember)
For Spider, Mark Ireson had:
- #BEAD - Book Early for Arachnid Drama
No doubt there will be more...