How do I get in to the building

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This may sound like a dumb-idea for an article, but often new members can be found outside the building wondering why there is no answer to the "buzzer" when they know there are people inside.

It's a sad situation that except when box office is open we have to keep the main-door locked (even when you are just "popping out"), however that is the reality of city life.

The question though is how do you get in?

  • If you will be regularly going into the building a key fob is recomended.
  • If you don't have one of these there is an intercom on the main door, this can remotely open the door from the bar, however it does not ring anywhere else, so outside of bar hours you will not get an answer.
  • Your third option is to use the doorbells on the top left of the "stage door" (double-doors to the left of the main doors) these three buttons ring in the two theatre spaces and the caretakers flat. Please keep in mind the bell may be disabled during a show (or be forgotten to be re-enabled), please also do not disturb the caretaker except in an emergency.