Habeas Corpus (1998)

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Poster by Poster Designer

by Alan Bennett

Directed and Designed by Alan Buckman

Performances: Tue 20th – Sat 24th February 1998, Bell Theatre

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"This farcical comedy by Alan Bennett was first staged by South London Theatre in 1978, when the play was but five years old. In 1998 it looks decidedly whiskery, interesting in its way, but more as an indication of which way the wind was blowing in the salad days of one of our more thought-provoking dramatists. The author has called 'Habeas Corpus' "farce without the paraphernalia of farce", acting on which hint, director, Alan Buckman has here reduced its props to their absolute minimum of three chairs. In a sense, it reminds one of the old concept of Humours comedy, each character representing his or her abiding passion or characteristic. The plot - don't make me laugh - consists largely of a string of jokes, of which a fair specimen is the following hilarious exchange. "I had to get my skates on for Evensong." "Evensong on Ice?" Thin ice, no doubt. But at least Mr Buckman's has assembled a cast of slick performers who give the play a kind of marionette-like precision. Sarah O'Driscoll, a case in point worth noting, gives glamorous Felicity Rumpers the mechanical movements of an animated doll, and a sex doll at that. Alan Jarvis's maniacally robust portrayal of Hove's very own cynical Dr Arthur Wicksteed is of a man decaying at the edges with unrequited lust. Ruth Shettle as his wife, Muriel is a heaving mountain of concupiscence, Andrew Rickinson as his son, Dennis, a spotty post-adolescent horror, and not a pretty sight. As Sir Percy Shorter, the short President of the BMA, John Hartnett is the living embodiment of peppery choler, and has some of the funniest moments of the evening. Juliette Mills seems to attractive for the part of the repressed, flat-chested Constance Wicksteed, showing a pleasing vivacity beyond the demands of the role. Brian Scoltock plays the aptly named Canon Throbbing with a schoolboy relish; Matthew Lyne lends a goonish quality to Mr Shanks, the man from the false bust suppliers; and John Lyne repeats his make-weight role of twenty years ago, the supposedly suicidal Mr Purdue. Pam Jarvis is very regal, tres colonial as Lady Rumpers, and Maggie Cearns cleverly ties all the strings together as the cheerfully hoovering but ultimately rather tedious Mrs Swabb." Donald Madgwick (Croydon Advertiser)


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See Also

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